To Yolly


To Yolly, You has left me, not forever, but the last and the most intolerant year.

How I could express my feelings?

These two years we do not talk very much, but I know you were here, breaking into a light wall I can see you. No matter when it is, I can share my happiness and sorrow with you.

The night before you leave I could not fall asleep, just lay on my bed, thinking the past golden years. In one summer vacation, we talked about pal4. That is our first real "talk". Then became paper pieces thrower.

We talked about our ideal lifestyle. You said you just wanted to have a small shop on one side of a narrow street or maybe just a small handcart to be a sugarcoated haws seller, while I wrote in my diary that Doris and I wanted to be a white-collar employee and hung out in the evenings.

Your dreams are varied year by year, from a navy to a book-seller. But now you've got to Singapore. I hope this beautiful city really suits you. And really hope you have a bright,bright future. To find a satisfying job and a lovable girl.

You're always so excellent, no matter where you are.

Bid you farewell,why does it seem so painful?

But I should say goodbye.

"You go, I will not see you off.You come,however heavily it rains or snows, I'll pick you up." Goodbye,to my best friend yol-yol.

2013.7.22 Nts
